Wednesday, August 10, 2011

#4--My favorite Glog

After you look at everyone's Glog reflect on which was your favorite glog and tell why.  Keep in mind the requirements:

#3--My helpful DSI hint

As you are solving the DSI cases Blog about a really good hint that you find.  But DON'T give away the answers.

For example:

In Case 1 "Zoe Goes Swimming" there are 4 scene clues!  
When you are in the "Library" take the quizzes after you take notes (click on the text to put it in your investigator's notebook--they give you more points.
Also make sure that you check the case Progress to make sure you find everything:

Read other student's helpful hints to make things easier for you.

Monday, August 8, 2011

#2--Here is my review of the other Truth About ... video or booklet

Write a review about the The Truth About ... that you either watched or read.  Summarize using the 10 notes you put in your Journal and then give a brief review giving your opinion on the video or booklet's information.

Read and respond to at least 2 other student's posts.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

#1--Why do you think people use drugs and alcohol?

Respond to the question "Why do you think people use drugs and alcohol?" and then respond to at least 2 other student's posts.
Keep these things in mind when posting!